Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oscar Fest 2008

Every year we make a big deal about the Oscars. Hubby and I met when we were in the film industry and the Oscars were like the BIG event (well, that and ShoWest) for us.

We've always had a small party with themed food and decorations. It was easier to make it a big "family thing" when Billy Crystal hosted because he kept the broadcast clean. Whoopi was the worst, we had to send the kids out of the room! This year we passed out ballots for everyone to nominate their favorite dishes (which can be based on a movie, a star's name or a scene from a movie) and the Academy (Hubby and I) would decide the winners and cook them for the Oscar Fest. But this year the foods just didn't come as easily as they have in years past. There was only one we didn't choose that was even close to relevant: "I Drink Your Milkshakes" from There Will Be Blood. It would have been a great one, but hubby would have had to describe the scene for the kids and he didn't really want to get into that.

And the Oscar goes to…
No Poultry for Old Men (No Country for Old Men)

And the Oscar goes to…
Enchanted Hot Dogs
(Based on the scene from Enchanted in Central Park with the hot dog vendor)

And the Oscar goes to…
3:10 to Yummy (3:10 to Yuma)

And the Oscar goes to…
Grapes, Baby, Grapes (Gone, Baby, Gone)

And the Oscar goes to…
Ratatouille (I'll let you try to guess this one. Think hard, now!)

And the Oscar goes to…
The Baby Bell and the Butter Knife (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly)

The kids also dress up in finery or costumes for their red carpet interview on the way in to dinner. Then we eat, watch the broadcast and tally our votes. The winner (the one who guessed the most actual award winners) gets a special award at the end of the night. Corny, but what can I say, it's a tradition!

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