Monday, November 10, 2008

I think I know one reason...

In earlier posts, I've mused that the Lord has His reasons for hubby being unemployed. I think I might know one of them. This will come as a shock to you, but I'm kind of easily swayed by my circumstances. ("DUH!" I hear you say, "Tell me something I don't know!")

Even just reading over my blog posts I see how I've been swinging wildly. Living it has been even more crazy. My faith/fear factor can change hourly. Oh, double-minded me of little faith.

I think maybe, just perhaps, this opportunity has been granted me so I can grow a little and get on more even footing in my faithwalk. No, it's probably not the only reason, but it's one I can see.

What brought on this great insight? The rush of relief when an advance check for a freelance project arrived in our bank account! Ahhhh, sweet.

Off to work on the lesson to be learned...


Anonymous said...

I've struggled with the faith-fear swinging, too, in other circumstances. Sometimes feeling like I'm hanging on to faith with my brain and overcome with fear in my emotions. Sometimes I think I'm not as *connected* as I should be, my emotions and what I know is true.

A Frayed Knot said...

That is too funny, Kim. It's the exact opposite for me. My heart knows, and my head fears. It's looking at the numbers that scares me.